domingo, 19 de enero de 2020



Habia una serie hace unos años de esto, con uno de los protagoistas que habia trabajado en Lost, Persona de Interes

«Diez mil ojos que todo lo ven y diez millones de oídos que todo lo escuchan. Eso es La Máquina: algo que está en todas partes y en ninguna»


Hundreds of law enforcement agencies are using a new facial recognition app that can reveal names and addresses of unknown individuals by comparing them to THREE BILLION images scraped from the internet

  • More than 600 police departments are said to be using the Clearview AI app
  • The app reportedly uses facial recognition AI to match uploaded photos to the three billion images it has in its database 
  • The database contains images gathered from all over the internet and can include identifying details, such as names and addresses
  • Police have said that they were able to solve cases by using Clearview AI 


yo, por mi parte, les dejo un dibujito

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