miércoles, 27 de octubre de 2010

Lo importante

No voy a establecer opinion acerca de la bondad o no del modelo, de los personajes, de los diferentes actores (tampoco creo que a nadie le importe mucho)

Pero, como siempre digo, cuanto mas me elogia Economist y WSJ mas me preocupa el futuro, hoy con asombro lei el obituario en Economist, que transcribo en parte y dejo el link

Back to a vacuum

Oct 27th 2010, 16:47 by D.R. | NEW YORK

ARGENTINE political parties are so weak that most movements are simply named after their leaders. The hegemonic, ideologically amorphous Justicialist Party (PJ) is universally called peronismo after its long-deceased founder, Juan Perón. Since 2003, only one ismo has mattered in Argentina: the kirchnerismo of Néstor Kirchner, a leftist, populist Peronist. Although Mr Kirchner left the presidency in 2007 to his wife, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, kirchnerismo came to a close this morning, when Mr Kirchner died of a heart attack at 60.

Mr Kirchner exemplified the country’s caudillo-centric political culture. In the 1990s, he was the governor of Santa Cruz, a desolate Patagonian province of 230,000 people whose economy depends on public works, oil and gas. He ran it like a personal fiefdom, refusing to delegate even tiny tasks and overseeing every centavo of the budget.

He was barely known outside Patagonia in 2002, when Eduardo Duhalde, a Peronist boss who became president after Argentina’s economic collapse the year before, was looking for a successor to back in the next election. Mr Duhalde reluctantly threw his support to Mr Kirchner after all of his top choices rebuffed him, and the strength of his political machine propelled Mr Kirchner into a second round. Mr Kirchner became president by default after his rival withdrew from the run-off.

Once in office, Mr Kirchner promptly set about ruling Argentina as he had Santa Cruz. He reorganised the tax system to make provincial governors more financially dependent on the federal executive. He got Congress to let him reassign public spending at will, and give him veto power over judicial nominations. He nationalised a handful of strategic businesses. And he circumvented presidential term limits by having Ms Fernández succeed him, with the apparent intention of allowing them to alternate in power indefinitely.


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