martes, 20 de enero de 2009

Que diria Clausewitz?

Uno esta acostumbrado a leer guerra de masas, guerrilla, puntos de friccion, la diplomacia, etc, pero, una clasificacion como esta (Saludos U) no la hubiera pensado

Un par de parrafos y el link al articulo, que describe un libro escrito por una persona del Birbek Collegue (si, creo, el mismo de Hobsbawn)

Clocks, with their precise parsing of time, gave us "mechanistic warfare," characterized by linear, predictable, reliable geometries (think Frederick the Great’s archetypal Prussian forces). "Thermodynamic warfare" evolved from concepts of dynamic motion and energy, associated with newly developed mechanical engines, resulting in the sort of industrialized, technologically enabled slaughter that chewed up millions of human bodies in World War I. "Cybernetic warfare" came about in World War II, Bousquet explains, with the ascent of the computer technology needed to manage the data floods of the code-breakers of Bletchley Park and the bomb-builders of Los Alamos. It signaled the dominance of information in strategic thinking, and the ascent of the all-powerful systems analyst in war planning.

Chaoplexic war, likes its cybernetic predecessor, is information driven. But cyberneticism emphasized total control of the battlespace through information dominance; in theory, that was supposed to create a predictable, controllable warzone environment. Chaoplexity, on the other hand, understands the order hidden within chaos and complexity. It's an understanding, translated to military thinking, that would theoretically enable soldiers to recognize, accept, and cope better with the uncertainties of combat. Characterized by "non-linearity, self-organization, and emergence," the central metaphor of chaoplexic war "is that of the network, the distributed model of information exchange perhaps best embodied by the Internet."

el link?

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