martes, 18 de noviembre de 2008

Sokal et altri o Tu quoque, Brute, fili mi?

Mucho hablamos, nos divertimos y usamos para denostar a los sociales con Sokal y su paper, pero, como no podia dejar de fallar, existe un programa automatic para generar papers cientificos en ciencias duras.

Pero, para que tambien lo usen los estimados

 SCIgen is a program that generates random Computer Science research papers, including graphs, figures, and citations. It uses a hand-written context-free grammar to form all elements of the papers. Our aim here is to maximize amusement, rather than coherence.

 El link?

 el ejemplo que sigue fue publicado

 Cooperative, compact algorithms for randomized algorithms

 Rohollah Mosallahnezhad

 Iran Institute of Technology, Department of Mathematics, Hafez, Tehran, Iran


 Experts agree that encrypted methodologies are an interesting new topic in the field of theory, and information theorists

In this paper, we argue the appropriate unification of web browsers and Internet QoS. Our focus in this paper is not on whether information retrieval systems can be made reliable, linear-time, and Bayesian, but rather on describing new  wireless archetypes (Bots).

2007 Published by Elsevier Inc.

Keywords: Compact algorithms; Randomized algorithms; Encrypted methodologies; Internet

Y fue sacado

REMOVED: Cooperative, compact algorithms for randomized algorithms

Rohollah Mosallahnezhada,

Iran Institute of Technology, Department of Mathematics, Hafez, Tehran, Iran

Available online 19 March 2007.

This article has been removed consistent with Elsevier Policy on Article Withdrawal (

En fin

Lo habia leido hace mucho mucho, pero me hizo acordar via Illuminatios

que se diviertan