domingo, 5 de diciembre de 2010

Todo el mundo habla de wikileaks

Y ya que estamos por que no, pero miremoslo desde un punto de vista comico.
La burocracia siempre ataca, aun en los lugares mas insospechados.

White House forbids feds from reading WikiLeaked cables

Everyone else on earth can read them. But they're still classified

The epic collection of classified US documents exposed by WikiLeaks over the past several weeks offer little more than good gossip. But watching the response to Julian Assange and his whistle-blowing website is wonderfully entertaining.

The latest act in the worldwide WikiLeaks comedy: On Friday, the White House told federal employees and contractors they're not allowed to read classified federal documents posted to WikiLeaks unless they have the proper security clearance.

As reported by CNN, the White House Office of Management and Budget sent a memo to the general counsels of various government agencies saying that the publishing of classified documents to WikiLeaks does "not alter the documents' classified status or automatically result in declassification of the documents."

"To the contrary, classified information, whether or not already posted on public websites or disclosed to the media remains classified, and must be treated as such by federal employees and contractors, until it is declassified by an appropriate U.S. Government authority," the memo read.

Cuando terminen de reirse, el link

en fin, despues nos quejamos de aca

1 comentario:

Chofer fantasma dijo...

Y esa, la pertinaz estupidez de la burocracia, es el principal argumento para la anarquía.
No es que las personas seamos menos estúpidas cuando están sueltas, pero al menos no se nos paga un sueldo para ello.