viernes, 22 de abril de 2011

Ya lo dijo De Gaulle

O era una pelicula vieja

The Chinese are Africa

The increasing importance of Chinese investment in sub-Saharan Africa

Many of its people are not happy about it, as our briefing reports, but business is booming in Africa thanks mostly to the Chinese. Trade between the two surpassed $120 billion in 2010, and in the past two years China has given more loans to poor, mainly African countries than the World Bank. The Heritage Foundation, an American think-tank, estimates that between 2005 and 2010 about 14% of China’s investment abroad found its way to sub-Saharan Africa. This has brought increased employment and prosperity to the region, but also allegations of damage to local businesses, corruption and the hoarding of natural resources.

martes, 19 de abril de 2011

Transparencia Corporativa

Que si, que no, facil, que todas las compañias que operan en bolsa o tienen mas de 1 accionista cumplan

y le agregamos el resto de normativas de la SEC

Por que alguien diria que no? las que operan en NY lo hacen, o alla si y aca no?

viernes, 15 de abril de 2011

A quien le pido un prestamos en Marte?

Emerging trends

Una de las cosas que motivo la lenta decadencia de Venecia y en general todos los puertos del Mediterraneo fue el cambio del comercio hacia el Atlantico. Eso genero que esos lugares dejaran de ser el centro de transferencia de bienes e informacion.

Como era de prever, eso ocurre de nuevo

The governments of Brazil, China, Russia, India and SA have agreed to support a new, R3bn undersea cable that will connect Brazil with SA and Angola, and provide the region with onward connectivity to the US and Asia.

Que significa esto?

Los centros de conmutacion de Internet, a pesar de todo lo que se diga, al fin del dia hay un punto centralizado de conmutacion para los nombres a numeros. los cables van y vienen pero todo termian en pocos lugares y en general estan los cables centralizados a y desde Europa.

Este cable no va y viene desde y hacia, para hacerla mas clara, es hacer la Gral Paz cuando para ir de Vicente Lopez a Avellaneda no existia la General Paz, se entiende, luego el paso que sigue son las conmutaciones.

Mientras tanto aca

Pocas veces vi tantas palabras juntas expuestas de maneras tan complicada, quizas un Sokolismo tipico.

miércoles, 6 de abril de 2011

En este lugar ya estuve

La pelicula ya la vi

.................They are right. These economies are on an unsustainable course, but not for lack of effort by their governments. Greece and Ireland have made heroic budget cuts. Greece is trying hard to free up its rigid economy. Portugal has lagged in scrapping stifling rules, but its fiscal tightening is bold. In all three places the outlook is darkening in large part because of mistakes made in Brussels, Frankfurt and Berlin.

.................Europe’s leaders won’t hear of debt reduction now, but insist that any country requiring help from 2013 may then need to have its debt restructured and that new official lending will take priority over bondholders. The risk that investors could face a haircut in two years’ time keeps yields high today, which in turn blights the rescue plans.

....................But the best hope lies with the IMF. Its economists have the most experience of debt crises. Some privately acknowledge that debt restructuring is ultimately inevitable. It is time the Fund’s top brass said so publicly and, by refusing to lend more without a deal on debt, pushed Europe’s pusillanimous politicians into doing the right thing.

el resto?

martes, 5 de abril de 2011

Como se escribe Moreno en chino (reloaded)

Concerned about the rising prices of consumer goods in China, the country’s top economic planning body has reportedly asked the Anglo-Dutch company Unilever to suspend price increases. The move reveals two things: that inflation is spreading and the state is becoming more active in intervening to prevent an upward spiral — to the point of leaning heavily on foreign companies. Meanwhile, the domestic battle continues as a number of local governments, banks and state-owned enterprises resist Beijing’s measures.

Y, ni siquiera todavia dicen nada acerca de la confiabilidad de las estadisticas chinsa (Economist no les cree demasiado)

y es mas jugoso el articulo